Support us to help under privileged children, marginalised people, victims of domestic violence and rape and those in need of emergency relief.
Our Causes
Education & Scholarship
“Education is a fundamental human right. Every girl and boy, everywhere, is entitled to attend school and learn” (UNICEF). Unfortunately, not every child is fortunate enough to make to schools. Embracing the UNICEF’s assertion, Punya Foundation extends support for the education of orphaned, poor and vulnerable children in developing countries through provision of scholarships.
Empowerment is defined differently. Cambridge dictionary defines empowerment as, “the process of gaining freedom and power to do what you want or to control what happens to you.” To work for the social justice and to reach the most vulnerable ones, the Foundation targets women victims of rape, sexual assault and domestic violence.
Community Engagement
Punya Foundation’s target population liveS in various countries. The Foundation organises sport events targeting youths. The intention is to bring youth together to help them promote interaction, build cooperation and to enhance collaboration skills. These programs are organised to assist migrant communities to fight against mental health problems and to garner peer-support.
Culture and Spirituality
Punya Foundation respects and embraces all cultures. Cultural and spirituality programs serve 2 purposes for the Foundation. Firstly, these programs help to community members together, engage them in socialization programs and at the same time promote healthy aspects of culture and spirituality. These programs have served as relief and motivational factor for meaningful living and to fight against isolation, stress and psychosocial problems. Migrant population have embraced and appreciated these activities.
Health and Relief Programs
During natural disasters and calamities, Punya Foundation Inc. mobilises resources to help those in need. These are generally Foundation’s one time support programs. However, in the past such one time initiatives have led to long term projects. For instance, the Foundation’s involvement in the medical relief mission in Nepal during the destructive earthquakes of 2015 has resulted into a long term project to educate children who lost at least one of their parents until their grade ten level of education. The Foundation sets into relief mission as per need.
Public Relation and Publication
To promote language skills the Foundation organises literary activities. These are either in recitation or write up forums. These programs are targeted to promote creativity, to improve expression and broaden language skills. On a regular basis, Punya Foundation publishes its annual reports. These reports contain profiles of students receiving scholarships, challenges faced by the Foundation team and those by the implementing partners. Regularly, the Foundation redefines its strategies and embarks on priority setting for subsequent years.
Events and Updates

Punya Foundation’s Annual Report 2024: Highlights Activities and Financial Position

Community Consultation on Family, Domestic, and Sexual Violence in Salisbury

Fundraising Dinner in Adelaide, Lions Club of Angle Vale Donates

Community Recognises Pratap Subba in South Australia Amidst a Program
Project Domains and Activities

Bimala-Binishma Panta Foundation: Scholarship Program, Gorkha, Nepal

Punya Foundation USA Initiates Scholarship Program for Badi Community Students in Nepal
Scholarships to Bhutanese Refugee Students in Jhapa District in Eastern Nepal
Education – Blind and Visually Impaired Students in Nepal with BWAN: 2024
Update: Computer Training Program, Basic to Advanced Level

Basic to Advanced Level Computer Courses for Bhutanese Refugee Camps

Bhandari Resorts to Cognitive Skills Through Arts

Bhandari Resorts to Cognitive Skills Through Arts

Community Consultation on Family, Domestic, and Sexual Violence in Salisbury

Fundraising Dinner in Adelaide, Lions Club of Angle Vale Donates

Community Recognises Pratap Subba in South Australia Amidst a Program

Foundation Collaborates with the Lions Club’s “Market for a Cause” in South Australia

Minister Hosts Dashain Reception: Parliament House, South Australia

Vijaya Dashami Celebration and Exchange of Blessings: Salisbury and Playford

Celebrating Teej Foundation Organises Panchami Puja in Salisbury 2024

Fundraising Multicultural Spiritual Program Concludes with Success in Adelaide

Homeless People in Texas Receive Blankets and Sleeping Bags

Thanksgiving Meals for the Homeless 2022: Texas, USA

Menstrual Hygiene and Food Safety Training for Blind and Visually Impaired

COVID-19: PPE Distribution in Adelaide

Punya Foundation’s Annual Report 2024: Highlights Activities and Financial Position