On 20 August 2022, a computer institute providing basic to advanced level computer courses was launched in the Bhutanese refugee camps in Beldangi, Jhapa, Nepal. The project is sponsored by Punya Foundation USA, monitored by Punya Foundation Nepal and implemented by FANS CLUB Punya Foundation. Mr Yub Raj Rai, who foresees the project implementation, reports...
On 20 August 2022, amidst cultural programs, a computer institute was inaugurated in Bhutanese refugee camps in Beldangi, Jhapa, Nepal. The institute provides free computer courses from basic to diploma level to youths of Bhutanese refugee camps and that of the local community. The program aims to empower youths transitioning to labour markets. Punya Foundation...
Literature on prosperity of arts dates back to 15th century. The world recognises arts of Rembrandt, the Dutch painter as one of the most skilful in history of arts. The art, “The Scream” of 1893 rocked the world stage on glory of art and expression. Experts don’t disagree that arts forms alternate modality of expression....
Background Literature on prosperity of arts dates back to 15th century. The world recognises arts of Rembrandt, the Dutch painter as one of the most skilful in history of arts. The art, “The Scream” of 1893 rocked the world stage on glory of art and expression. Experts don’t disagree that arts forms alternate modality of...
Giving continuity to support the Australian Bhutanese Interstate Soccer Championship, Mr. Tilchand Sapkota, Vice Country Head of the Punya Foundation attended the fourth soccer tournament in Albury. 16 teams from across Australia participated in the tournament. Mr. Ram Khanal, the project coordinator of the tournament expressed utmost satisfaction that the tournament went as planned without any gaps. He...
Background: The Central Bureau of Statistics, Nepal (2011) estimates 57.4% as the female literacy rate; this in contrast to 75.1% among males. The report also highlights that the female literacy rate in rural parts of Nepal is very low as women living below the poverty line is proportionally higher in villages. In an attempt to help...