To promote, preserve and uphold Nepali language, culture, and spirituality Punya Foundation organised a Shlook Recitation Competition on 23 April 2022. Punya Foundation is a charity established by the resettled Bhutanese.
Mr Tilchand Sapkota, CEO of Punya Foundation welcomed the guests, panel of judges and the participants. Eighteen contestants from Australia and New Zealand participated in the virtual program. This was the first program of type organised by the Foundation.
Prisoner of Conscience, Pundit Shree Sushil Pokhrel, revered Pundit Shree Tara Bhandari, former Bhutanese member of parliament Mr Lok Nath Basnet were the special guests. The contestants were judged against a pre-set evaluation criteria by a panel of judges. Pundit Shree Santiram Dhakal, Justice of Peace from Adelaide led the panel of judges comprising of Pundit Shree Harihar Acharya from Sydney, Pundit Shree Hari Sapkota from Albury, and Mr Tejman Rayaka Mangar from Cairns. Due to technical issue, one of the panel of judges Ms Laxmi Khatiwada (Tasmania) didn’t manage to join the program.
The panel of judges found the participants’ recitation very competitive. After rigorous discussions, the following participants were selected as winners.
- Mr Narayan Bhattarai, Adelaide
- Mr Kedar Sapkota, Albury
- Mr Narad Kattel, New Zealand
The panel of judges selected Mrs Tila Rupa Khatiwada (Adelaide) and Pundit Shree Indira Bhandari Nepal (New Zealand) for the consolation prices. Danial Dhakal, aged 10, who recited Swaasti Baachhan received all round of applauses.
Pundit Shree Sushil Pokhrel appreciated Punya Foundation’s initiative to organise the program, highlighted the importance of such programs and encouraged for wider participation. Pundit Shree Tara Bhandari said, language is associated with human civilisation and necessity for its promotion.
During his vote of thanks, Dr Lakshmi Prasad Dhakal (Founder/Executive Director, Punya Foundation) mentioned “all participants are winners. It is only the nature of program that demanded the selection of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd”. He thanked the special guests, the panel of judges, participants, the program audience and Mr Narayan Mishra, the program host.
On 20 June 2022, Punya Foundation is organising a poem competition. “To organise any competition, fund is essential. Punya Foundation requests individuals and organisations to donate and be sponsors to promote and preserve Nepali language, culture, and spirituality, Dr Dhakal said”.