my new home

Dona Acharya United States of America it was a dream or a nightmare- an identity snatched off getting replaced with a new one. promise was promising that I would be a human again with an identity to call my own promise missing my home for a substitute my new home can’t be the queen in...

Dona Acharya
United States of America

it was a dream
or a nightmare-

an identity
snatched off
getting replaced
with a new one.

was promising

that I would be
a human again
with an identity
to call my own

missing my home
for a substitute
my new home

can’t be the queen
in the honey comb
but have a new home
that’s my own

new home
my own
house or home?

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1 Comment
  1. Wonderful.Post-modernist style of yours is savoring!

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