Welkin Siskin Seattle,Wa O Martyr, Your capillaries have abounded in each heart, The resonant strength of blood, To discover the true beauty of the native land… O Martyr, When your heart ignited with the yearnings for freedom, Of speech, of expression and suffrage, You relinquished your life for a free rein… O Martyr, From the...
Dona Acharya United States of America it was a dream or a nightmare- an identity snatched off getting replaced with a new one. promise was promising that I would be a human again with an identity to call my own promise missing my home for a substitute my new home can’t be the queen in...
Yug Dabadi Everett, WA, USA Oh Martyr! The dispenser of our thoughts; The pylon of our convictions; The preacher of our ideals; The mentor of our destiny. Oh Martyr! You’d borne the thought of A sovereign nation; The conviction of pluralism and self-respect; The ideals of free, independent democratic Bhutan. Oh Martyr! You’d deeply embedded...
लक्ष्मी प्रसाद ढकाल आम्सटरडाम खुलदुली सुरु भयो तीनमा मेरो जन्म हुँदा त्रास हुन पुग्यो तिनमा मैंले बामे सर्न सिक्ता शङ्का लाग्न थाल्यो केर्‍रा मैले बोल्न सिक्ता आँखाको तारो भएँ म परिवर्तन खोज्न खोज्दा इर्श्याको डडेलो लाग्यो मेरो प्रगती पच्न नसक्ता असन्तुलित भए तिनी मेरो तर्क काट्न नसक्ता झालझेल सुरु भयो विवेक तीनको किनारा लाग्दा आँखाको...