Puran, Prabachan and Cultural Program: Education for Orphans, Poor and Vulnerable

Giving continuity to last year’s Bhagawat Puran, the Punya Foundation organized a 3-day Puran, Prabachan and Cultural Program in Adelaide, South Australia. The program is aimed to generate fund for education of orphans, poor and vulnerable children in Asia and Africa. Currently, the Punya Foundation is providing scholarships to 63 orphan students in Nepal and...

13950849_1385232851493834_1712639132_oGiving continuity to last year’s Bhagawat Puran, the Punya Foundation organized a 3-day Puran, Prabachan and Cultural Program in Adelaide, South Australia. The program is aimed to generate fund for education of orphans, poor and vulnerable children in Asia and Africa. Currently, the Punya Foundation is providing scholarships to 63 orphan students in Nepal and few vulnerable children in Ethiopia. The foundation operates with a vision of “Justice through Education and Empowerment”.

The 3-day spiritual cum cultural program, organized from 12th through 14th of August 2016, was well received and attended by the Bhutanese Community in Adelaide. Honourable minister Zoe Bettison inaugurated the program, appreciated the initiative and expressed solidarity for the education of orphan, poor and vulnerable children.

Pundit Tirtharaj Poudyel, Pundit Dinesh Adhikari and Pandit Santiram Upadhaya Dhakal delivered spiritual sermons highlighting Hindu Philosophy, the link of science and religion and essence of faith and determination in livelihood. Pundit Gangaram Bhattarai and Pundit Somnath Bhattarai were engaged in bhagawat path.

Mr. Dilliram Gautam, Mr Chabilal Dabadi, Narad Subedi and Mr Basudev Khatiwada were involved in puja, hawaan and path.

A team of representative from ISKON, Adelaide joined the program, discoursed on spiritual life and entertained the group with bhajan.

Similarly, the bhajan and kirtan teams in Adelaide performed throughout the program giving life to prabachan. Through out the program, participants danced, rejoiced and exchanged solidarity to education of orphans. For the first time, children have displayed marvellous dances on bhajan attracting the crowd.

Many people worked tirelessly to make the program successful. More than 2 dozens of volunteers have worked hours in kitchen catering and serving the participants. All gurus provided hours of sermon contributing their precious time and contribution for education of poor and vulnerable children.

The Foundation team is very thankful to all volunteers and donors for making the program special and very successful. The Puran, Prabachan and Cultural Program managed to collect 4610 Australian Dollars excluding expenses.

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