In preparation and observing the upcoming Vijaya Dashami, the community in South Australia organised Durga Puja in Salisbury. Also, taking blessings from Durga Puja, the formal fund generation to build a much aspired Mandir in South Australia commenced.
The program occurred at the residence of Mr Narayan Bhattaria. Pundit Gangaram Bhattarai led the Puja. He was assisted by Pundit Somnath Bhattarai, Mr Basudev Khatiwada, Mr Devicharan Adhikari, Mr Gangaram Gautam, Mr Bhuwani Dahal and Mr Puspa Lal Dhakal. In addition to a number of community volunteers, Mr Hem Adhikari, Ms Yoga Bhattarai and Ms Kesavi Bhattarai took lead to make the program successful. Mr Hari Adhikari and Mr Tilchand Sapkota liaised from Foundation’s dise. Given multiple programs in the community, there was a modest participation.
Mr Kashi Adhikari facilitated the discussion on fund generation for the construction of Mandir. A video presentation by Dr Lakshmi Prasad Dhakal outlining the progress and strategies was displayed. Mr Hari Poudyal highlighted the need of a spiritual centre. Community members expressed willingness to donate. Already, a commitment of $ 128,000 was received.