Nature of programme and objective (for detail report, click here): The program is aimed to honour “single ladies” who had been engaged in service to the refugee community for more than a decade. At the same time, the program is intended to empower the identified vulnerable women (through a camp based survey). BRAIN team trained and...

Nature of programme and objective (for detail report, click here): The program is aimed to honour “single ladies” who had been engaged in service to the refugee community for more than a decade. At the same time, the program is intended to empower the identified vulnerable women (through a camp based survey). BRAIN team trained and coached some of the identified “single ladies” to perform cultural programs – dance, singing and sharing their stories. Three of the cultural items were performed by them during the programme.

Involvement and cooperation: BRAIN wanted co-operation and co-ordination from every section. To do this camp based organizations are taken in board. BRWF, YFC, Children forum, different schools and clubs extended their support to promote and preserve our culture at the same time give space to single ladies to come forward. National organisations like Maiti Nepal, Ektanayaik munch and social organisations provided their support in a voluntary basis.

Program: As mentioned and planned, five single ladies who contributed the most for Bhutanese refugee were honoured. Seven journalists who have been contributing through awareness raising programs and connecting our people around the world were recognized and honoured.

Govinda Ghimire, the coordinator of Maiti Nepal, Sumitra Prasai, chairperson of Ektanayaik manch and personality like Mr. Mahendra Subba spoke over importance of empowerment, especially targeting the poor and vulnerable women. Single ladies performed their cultural programs. Discussion took place how to give continuity to the empowerment program in future and how to assist the identified vulnerable people. Set of action plan has been developed.

Direct: Single ladies in Beldangi -1 =55, Beldangi-2, Ex t = 76
Indirect: Around 500 people participated in the program. The program, as intended is to bring awareness regarding the life situation of single ladies and to help them. Involvement of local organisations and camp based organisations has given moral boost to the participants and to the organisers.

Summary of the program: The panel of jurists was formed in consultation and cooperation with the camp-based stakeholders to select 5 single women who made long time and effective contribution to the society. The panel of jurist selected following single women. They were honoured amidst the program.

  1. Indra Kumari Bhandari, 40, Bel – I
  2. Sarita Dorjee, 28, Bel – II ,B2-45
  3. Mon Maya Majhi, 55, Bel III, B1 -46
  4. Phul Maya Rai, 50, Bel I,B3-46
  5. Sangita Rai, 31, Bel 3,C2-79

In addition, the following journalists were selected for their continued service and were given a symbolic token as recognition of their long time service.

  1. Vidhyapati Mishra, Bel-2 , A/1, BNS
  2. Monorath Pokhrel, Bel-2 Ext.C/1, MNB
  3. Mon Bdr. Poudel, Bel-2, Braintimes
  4. Roith Pokhrel, Bel-2 C/2, Himshikar TV
  5. Jiten Subba, Bel-2, BNS
  6. Tilak Niroula, Bel-2,Ext C/1, BNS
  7. Jogen Ghimire, Sanischare, Local Papers

Program continuity:

  1. Identified single women shall be encouraged to come together in group to share their difficulties and trying to find a solution.
  2. Vulnerable and identified single women shall be promoted to perform cultural program (Deusi and Bhailo) during Dipawali festival.
  3. National organisation shall provide empowerment coaching to identified women. This shall be organised once a month and repeated 5 times. Then it will be evaluated for further decision making.


  1. BRAIN and Punya Foundation thank all those who assisted to make this program come true and success. Mr. Puskar Poudel (Australia), Mrs. Thaga Maya Dhakal (Australia), Mr. Santi Ram Poudel (USA) and Ramesh Gautam (Norway) contributed to Punya Foundation to make this program possible. The Foundation extends its sincere thanks for their generous contribution.
  2. BRAIN and foundation thank all the local partners, camp based organization, local sponsors (Western Union Money Transfer, Jyoty Bastralaya) for their support and cooperation.
  3. BRAIN also thanks executive head Bhutan Media Society for its invaluable inputs and support to make the program a success.
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