Annual Report: 2012

Dear Everybody, It is our pleasure to bring our second annual report for your kind appraisal. Two years ago we started the journey of Justice Seeking through Education and Empowerment. Today, we are proud that we are walking together and we will continue this for many years to come, with many more well-wishers. This makes...

Punya Foundation Annual Report
Dear Everybody,

It is our pleasure to bring our second annual report for your kind appraisal. Two years ago we started the journey of Justice Seeking through Education and Empowerment. Today, we are proud that we are walking together and we will continue this for many years to come, with many more well-wishers. This makes our journey safe, more enjoyable and goal oriented. The years we travelled have also taught us a lot of lessons and posed many challenges; at the same time, it gives us more insight and responsibilities to move ahead.

In this section, I shall give a bird’s eye view of our activities, describe our endeavours, reflect upon the year 2012, present our financial report and highlight challenges we need to face in the course of the journey that lies ahead.

Our activities for 2012

1. Education and Scholarship

The Foundation provides scholarships in order to contribute to support the education of poor and marginalised children. In 2010-2011, the Foundation provided scholarships to 9 students. They have passed their exams with outstanding performances. The foundation renewed their scholarships for 2011-2012 based on that successful result.

Similarly, and in continuity with our education project, we provided four additional scholarships to Bhutanese refugee students in Nepal for their higher secondary education. Moreover, four children from the refugee affected-area, from eastern Nepal, have also been benefitted from our scholarship program for their primary education. All the students are performing very well. Today, under our scholarship program, 17 students are attending schools and colleges. The refugees and the host communities express their gratitude towards our small support on education of vulnerable children. For complete report please refer to page 7-8.

2. Empowerment Programs in Nepal, Africa

Empowerment of the victimized, under privileged and poor people is one of our major objectives. We prioritize our activities based on need and on feasibility to execute them. In 2012, we organized two empowerment programs; one in Africa and the other in Nepal.

In Africa, targeting the victims of rape and gender based violence, we organised a seminar cum discussion program in order to raise awareness, to give psychological support to the victims of rape and sexual assault, and to identify and make use of locally available resources for their safety. For complete details, please refer to page 11-12. In the Bhutanese refugee camps in Nepal, an empowerment program targeting vulnerable women and school children was organised with literary and cultural activities. The program was organised in cooperation and partnership with more than a dozen of community based organisations and local stakeholders. For complete report, please refer to page 13-14.

3. Advocacy on human rights

In 2012, the Foundation’s involvement in human rights activities was mostly at the consultative level. Additionally, the Foundation organised an online campaign against torture, and it worked actively to stop infliction of torture for complete report, please refer to page number 24. Realising the importance of the media on advocacy of human rights activities, the Foundation made a small contribution to the Bhutan Media Society (BMS). This is an attempt to extend our helping hand to the long-term struggle of BMS in order to give continuity to journalism in exile. The media also writes articles outlining some activities of the foundation and we are happy with this reciprocal relationship.

4. Achievements

The Foundation has just started to work on its mission. The journey is long and also challenging. We are happy that we started this mission. We are on track with our mission and we are determined to move ahead. None of these achievements could have been accomplished without the generous support of many of our well-wishers. The most important achievements during the past two years were:

  • Establishment of a legal and a functional institute
  • Ability to send some poor children to schools
  • Bringing the marginalised and victimised women and children together to explore their strengths and contributing to their empowerment
  • Establishment of an effective and a functional network and partnership with community based organisations, in Nepal and in Kenya, in order to implement our welfare programs. Attempts to expand the network is an on-going process.!
  • Garnering growing trust and confidence of the Bhutanese community in diaspora and gradually that of international community.

5. Exploring future

Bhutanese refugees who are resettled in western countries are going through transition – from living out of humanitarian assistance in the refugee camps in Nepal, to making their own living. Although life in new places and learning of new cultures is challenging, Bhutanese refugees are doing well smoothly and at a fast pace. Amidst the transition, the community have shown strong willingness to support people at need through welfare programs. Punya Foundation now attempts to establish a network of people who intend to help people deserving our support more strongly. In 2013, the Foundation is exploring the feasibilities to extend its pilot-project to other countries in Africa and to Bhutan as well. At the same time, restructuring and expansion of our team and exploring possibilities of registering Foundation in other countries will be our central program this year.

Without your support and inspiration we would not have come so far. We express our deep gratitude, which is also expressed by poor children, their parents, victimised women and victims of rape. To download the annual report 2012, click here

Dr. Lakshmi Prasad Dhakal
Founding Director
Punya Foundation
Amsterdam, the Netherlands

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