Publication & Literature

Dear everybody, It is our pleasure to bring our second annual report for your kind appraisal. Two years ago we started the journey of Justice Seeking through Education and Empowerment. Today, we are proud that we are walking together and we will continue this for many years to come, with many more well-wishers. This makes...
Annual Report 2010-2011: It is our privilege to report the following activities and achievements of the Foundation, for the years 2010-2011: Publication: A literature publication in December 2010, in memory of those who sacrificed their lives during the course of the struggle for democracy, human rights and justice in Bhutan. Scholarship Program: Awarded Scholarships to...
It is our privilege to report the following activities and achievements of the Foundation, for the years 2010-2011: Publication: A literature publication in December 2010, in memory of those who sacrificed their lives during the course of the struggle for democracy, human rights and justice in Bhutan. Scholarship Program: Awarded Scholarships to Bhutanese refugee children, including...
रमेश गौतम नर्वे नानी तिमीलाई निश्चय थाहा छ तिमी बाँचेको युग तिमी हाँसेको परिवेश तिमी उभिएको धरातल ! तिम्रा बाबा र बाबाहरु बाँचेको समय आकाश अँध्यारो थियो सुनकोश धमिलो थियो र वातावरण उकुसमुकुस थियो | र उस्तै छ अहिलेसम्म पनि ! तिमीहरुले दिउँसै सूर्य अपहरण गरिएको कालो दिनको अनुभव नगर भनेर तिमीहरुले दिनानुदिनको दमन र...
Welkin Siskin Seattle,Wa O Martyr, Your capillaries have abounded in each heart, The resonant strength of blood, To discover the true beauty of the native land… O Martyr, When your heart ignited with the yearnings for freedom, Of speech, of expression and suffrage, You relinquished your life for a free rein… O Martyr, From the...